Hello, my name is Felicity Scott thanks for visiting my website. I am graced with a unique intuitive communication ability, which I use to communicate on multiple levels and frequencies. I have perfected this intuitive ability to use as a health professional in my clinic and as a medium to deliver GODs messages through my many books.​
Are you looking for assistance with resolving seizures? If yes, please fill in the contact form and I will call you to discuss how through online or face-to-face sessions I can help stop your seizures.
For more information on resolving your seizures, please listen to my podcast which discusses the content of my 'Stop seizures by resolving allergies' book, please also review the book series called 'Enlightened through GOD' also available in my online shop.
Peace and blessings to you and your families.
In good health, Felicity 💕

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Please get in touch if you have any comments about my books, resolving seizures, or if you have a question you would like me to ask GOD, your question might end up in my next book.